The day that I discovered Wandercraft’s Atalante X Exoskeleton

I’ll never forget the day I discovered Wandercraft’s Atalante X exoskeleton, a wearable walking system designed to assist in movement and walking. I remember reading about a French company producing a self-stabilizing exoskeleton a few years ago. It sounded futuristic, like something you see in an SCI-FI movie, so I just forced myself to forget about it and didn’t let myself dare to hope.

On February 2, 2023, I completed a survey about the Atalante X exoskeleton. This time, I let myself hope and dream about the future. On March 29, I got an email from Jeanne Vanmairis, a physical therapist from Wandercraft, inviting me to try the Atalante X exoskeleton on Friday, April 21. I was initially skeptical because it sounded too good to be true. I’ve learned the hard way not to get my hopes up prematurely because I’ve encountered some less-than-genuine people and had far too many disappointments, but now I see that my skepticism was all for naught) and eagerly awaited that day to have the opportunity to try it out.

When I first tried the Atalante X exoskeleton, I was shocked that it took only 3 minutes to transfer and get me situated and securely strapped in until I was up and started walking. I can’t even begin to describe the feelings of happiness, joy, and satisfaction that I experienced the first time I stood up and walked independently (I can stand and walk a few steps sometimes but with someone supporting me in the front) it is very different walking freely than having someone supporting you from in the front.

For the past 18 years, I’ve almost always had someone or something like a table in front of me, so it was liberating to stand and walk free of any support. Yes, at first, I was so scared and nervous that I would fall, so I held on to my father’s or my sister’s hand. It was stupid of me to have thought that because the Atalante X is extremely safe, very stable, and far more stable than the other exoskeleton I’ve used. In fact, the Atalante X can stand independently without anyone in it. I was so used to having something in front of me that holding on to something became like a security blanket for me. I was lost without it.

After a while, I slowly got used to walking independently, and now, when I look back at that day, I laugh about worrying about falling.

I have grown past my fear and have become more independent. Not only have I walked backward, but I can also squat! These actions were foreign but thrilling actions to me. This experience was magical, like an episode from a fairytale storybook.

Becoming independent through the Atalante X exoskeleton has so enthralled me that I wanted to pull off a high-level “bank job” by walking away with it and taking it home. I didn’t care about the consequences. The Atalante X exoskeleton costs close to $200k.

I had the most incredible feeling of satisfaction, expending my energy to stand and walk without relying on other people’s energy. The simple act of being able to stand and walk freely was breathtaking and indescribable. I was so thrilled and exhausted because I was not used to using my own energy to walk that I slept in the car the entire way home, and that night, I had the best sleep ever. I slept straight through the night, not waking up once. I haven’t had such a good sleep in 18 years!!! Yes, my feet started hurting me a few hours later, but it was a good kind of pain, like Charley horse, an odd feeling I hadn’t experienced in many years. However, it soon disappeared, and I miss having that feeling. I clearly remember every detail of my three demos and seven walking sessions. I especially vividly remember every moment and detail of the first time I got in the Atalante X exoskeleton.

I was devastated when the session ended and wondered when I would have the chance to walk again. Weeks passed, and every day, I dreamed about when I would have the opportunity to walk again. I didn’t need to wait long because I got a text from Matthieu, the CEO, on Friday afternoon, June 2nd, around six weeks later. He invited me to travel with the Wandercraft team to Boston to demo the Atalante X exoskeleton for Dr. Bueno. Dr. Beuno is the chief of thoracic and cardiac surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Spaulding Rehabilitation’s Gait Lab. This really surprised me because I was sure that I had been long forgotten, ‘why would a big company like Wandercraft be interested in me’ I thought. Now I know that Wandercraft is not like some other companies ‘ve worked with because I see that everyone is genuinely interested in how I like the Atalante X and how it is helping me.

What also impressed me was that the CEO texted me to invite me to a demo. This was a testament to the unyielding determination, commitment, and dedication displayed by each and every employee of Wandercraft. Notably, this observation brought the extraordinary commitment of those in senior leadership positions to the forefront. Through their tireless efforts, these individuals have created the most wonderful thing in the world and are improving the lives of wheelchair-bound people. I’ve since had several more awesome walking sessions and participated in a spectacular demo at Carepoint Hospital.

Every time I walk in the Atalante X, I look forward to the next time I will have the opportunity to walk in it again. I also look forward to the next time I will have the opportunity to demonstrate its use to others, show them how it can promote independence and enhance one’s quality of life, and offer them the same emotionally empowering experience I had the first time.

Discovering Wandercraft and the Atalante X exoskeleton has been the best thing for me in over 18 years. I am allowing myself to hope to walk again for the first time in a very long time. Their slogan, “Ordinary life for extraordinary people,” is a testament to the fact that Wandercraft is a company that is genuinely committed to improving the lives of people like me.

I will never be able to properly thank everyone at Wandercraft for giving me the greatest gift ever!