About Me

Esther Klang is a 29 year old young woman who has been a quadriplegic and has had a tracheostomy for the past 18 years.

My name is Esther Klang, and I am a 29-year-old woman who has been a quadriplegic, has had a tracheostomy, and has used a ventilator for the past 18 years due to a brain stem tumor removal surgery in 2006. Despite my many physical and medical hardships, I constantly try to further and broaden my knowledge in digital accessibility and learn new skills and languages.

I advocate for changes to better the lives of people with disabilities. I share information, articles, and resources that can help educate us about our disability and share products, technologies, and organizations that can help us daily.

My main passion in life is helping connect other people with disabilities to the correct assistive technologies that enable them to use their phones, computers, and other technologies independently, regardless of their functional abilities. I do this because technology is an integral part of our lives and a key to safety, independence, autonomy, employment, and so much more.

I’m so passionate about this topic because I have first-hand experience of knowing how lonely, isolating, and emotionally taxing it is when you cannot access technology independently. I have over 18 years of lived experience dealing with and problem-solving with many barriers and obstacles and facing prejudice and discrimination in both the physical and digital world. I am educating the public that people with disabilities have feelings, emotions, and good and bad days, just like any other person. We have a lot of valuable, unique opinions and perspectives to share and contribute if you just ask us.